Visiting our partners in spring 2023

Fresh from being on the ground in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, the team have been travelling to visit our equine partners across the world in recent weeks.

We were thrilled to be invited to Scandinavia to meet with a team from Svenske Galopp to discuss the running of horseracing across the Scandinavian peninsula and learn about the challenges that shipping horses across three countries presents.

It was great to discuss all things Digital Solutions with our partners in Stockholm, and we are delighted to be involved in conversations with progressive administrations.

Later in the season, a delegation had the immense privilege of being invited to speak at the Mediterranean Horseracing Union Board convocation in Misrata and Tripoli, Libya, in association with the Libyan Horseracing Authority. On the agenda was a discussion on the importance of the Stud Book, plus a chance to meet the winners of some of the races (pictured).