Sharon O'Regan appointed Deputy Chief Executive of Weatherbys Ltd

Sharon has been with Weatherbys for 23 years, holding a variety of senior positions across breeding and racing administration, most recently as General Manager of Weatherbys Ireland in 2019.

She has also been the driving force behind the success of our Digital Solutions business area, building and delivering digital racing systems worldwide.

Commenting on the new appointment, Weatherbys CEO, Russell Ferris said: “The board and I have been keen to ensure our management structure is adequately robust and dynamic for the important years ahead and I am thrilled to welcome Sharon to this role. Her dedication, strategic leadership, passion and wealth of experience has been a key enabler of our business success in recent years.

“Under Sharon’s tutelage, Weatherbys Digital Solutions is now a vital part of our company’s future. I am sure you will all join me in congratulating Sharon on this well-deserved appointment. I look forward to working alongside her in delivering continued growth and success.”

Speaking about the appointment, Sharon O’Regan commented: “It is an honour to be appointed Deputy Chief Executive of Weatherbys Ltd.

“I have worked at Weatherbys for 23 years and I am still as dedicated and excited about the future as the first day I started – in fact, even more so. The talent and dedication of our teams, aligned with the emerging needs of our industry has presented us with unprecedented opportunity to grow the Weatherbys footprint internationally.

“I look forward immensely to helping realise this potential whilst working closer with Russell and the board in our mission of empowering the growth of horseracing and the advancement of data-driven breeding practices throughout the world."